Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Impressions

I'm getting braces!

Let me introduce myself.  I'm a 37-year-old mom of two who has wanted straight teeth for awhile.  My front teeth protrude quite a bit -- that's something that's happened in the last ten years.  I'm also unhappy with the crowding on my bottom teeth. I decided on the Six Month Smile when my dentist suggested them as an easier route than traditional braces.

Here's some more information on the particular braces I'm having put on:

And a link to my dentist's website:

Today, I had my impressions done.  Now, for those of you who aren't familiar with that term, impressions are what a dentist and orthodontist use to see what your current bite looks like.  It involves using a dental tray and some play-dough type material.  The tray is inserted in your mouth for five minutes and held there firmly by the dental assistant until the dough begins to harden.

I won't lie.  It was tough to get through.  In fact, I goofed the top tray pretty badly because I felt like I was going to throw up.  Thankfully, the dental assistant let me take it out before that happened.  We ended up using quite a bit of topical numbing medication on my top palette.  Once she applied it, I had no problem finishing the impressions.  (Whew!)

One of the questions I asked about the Six Month Smile procedure was -- will it hurt more because the whole process takes six months rather than the normal one to two years?  I've been told no, but I guess only time will really tell!  (Of course, I can't compare it to having regular braces since I only experienced the retainer side of things in grade school.)

In one month, I'll get my braces!  Stay tuned!