Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day Two of My Six Month Smile....Ouch

Okay, I'll be completely honest. This hurts.  Like you know what.  This morning, I woke up very sore.  It's not just my teeth that are sore from the tight wire, but also the brackets.  Those brackets are brushing up against my gums and the inside of my cheeks.  If you can imagine something poking you constantly in the mouth, that's how this feels.  Not good.  The brackets are not really rounded pieces.  Instead, they have pokey edges that seem to find the same spot on the inside of your lips and cheeks and irritate them constantly. 

I managed to mash a banana against the roof of my mouth and quickly found that it was getting caught in my braces causing even more discomfort.  But, I needed to eat something so that I could take the Motrin, so down it went.  I can definitely see how this will be weight loss plan!  Eating a lot just isn't worth the pain.

I also discovered the wonders of dental wax this morning and rubbed it over a couple of the "meanest" brackets I have.  Ahhh..instant relief. Whoever invented dental wax for braces should be kissed!

This morning, I foolishly checked for movement.  Nothing yet, of course.  But, I have a feeling that I'll do that often.  Each week, my husband will take a photo of my from the front and side so that I can compare.  Yesterday, I was told to expect about two-weeks' worth of discomfort.  Let's hope it passes quickly!


  1. Hi! Sorry Im posting to old blog posts but I came across it when looking for info on the "6 month smile". I am 4 days in and am at the stage of still being disgusted at teeth brushing while spitting out bits of that dental wax, its such fun! But that wax is a must, I feel like Im sleeping with razor blades in my mouth, my poor cheeks!

  2. Feel so much better reading your blog. Thought I was the only one that finds its hurts!! I can barely touch my teeth and find it difficult to floss or even brush my teeth! Hope this gets better!!

  3. I am on day two! So far I have felt no pain! I slept great last night, woke a little dry mouth but no pain! I am hoping I am a medical wonder and the pain never shows! Ha ha! Now I will say, there is no way I plan on biting in to anything anytime soon! The brackets and wires feel like a "tickle" or "itch".
